Gloucester Cathedral Wedding Photographer
Jess & Theo's Gloucester Cathedral Wedding
Jess and Theo had their wedding in a place they both have a special connection to - the stunning Gloucester Cathedral. Theo is head of development and communications there, and after Jess was confirmed and converted to Church of England in the gorgeous Lady Chapel, Gloucester Cathedral was the only place they could see themselves getting married. It was a mega day for a little wedding (it was just before the November lockdown when restrictions allowed only 30 guests) and as you can tell by the piccies, Jess is just the smiliest girl in the world – she lights rooms wherever she goes, which was awesome to capture!
Jess getting ready at Tewkesbury Park Hotel
The day started at Tewkesbury Park Hotel which was great fun. Theo had eight groomsmen (all best friends still close since primary school, so of course were going to be by his side!) while Jess hilariously went without bridesmaids but had her best mates there. She said there was no way she’d put them in matching dresses as they’re “all strong, unique and awesome individuals” and she couldn’t wait to see what they were going to wear.
Getting married at Gloucester Cathedral
Jess went in her salon’s van (the super lux Earl’s and Co in Cheltenham) to the Cathedral, where 22 guests and many other friends and family online were waiting. Met at the door by the Dean of Gloucester, her entrance was epic. She said it all felt very “right” – “I walked alone, surrounded by my loving friends and family, to my fiancé”. Beautiful. For shots, I could only use the natural light available but we lucked out and it flooded in and landed in all right places.
After the ceremony, there was a champagne reception with speeches in the Cathedral Garth. The live streaming continued running through this part of the day so the remote guests could join in – mad times team, I tell you! In all honesty, though, I’m loving these smaller, more intimate weddings. They’ve been so warm, so joyous and entirely based on the couple’s love for one another. In some way, I don’t want to go back!
Of course, we did a little photo session in the famous Cloister – Harry Potter fans go wild! It’s as good as it gets in there. The sidelight is wonderfully flattering and its length really draws your eye through the photograph.
After the day at the Cathedral, Theo walked Jess over the threshold into their flat (a new one for me!) and after a quick change, headed to their favourite Cheltenham local, The Outdoor Inn. It was ace, there were socially distanced pods, great music, and their friends and family came and went and said their congrats and raised a glass with them (at a 2m distance!)
All in all, a hell of a day team. Hope you like the piccies!
We’ve had a great morning looking at the pics love, genuinely the nicest time with all the feelings of the day flooding back. They’re timeless and you’ve captured the smallest moments with the most palpable emotion. You’re one of a kind James Fear and we love you. Thank you for the art, friend.
Jess & Theo xxxxx
A few Sneak Peeks...
Jess & Theo's Wedding at Gloucester Cathedral...